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MeraKi Goddess Kitty So Smooth Rose Yoni Scrub. Rose petals protect and nourish delicate feminine tissues. Rose petals are rich in vitamins A, C, & E which helps hydrates, tighten, reduces dark spots & softens the skin. The yoni scrub is a gentle exfoliator, it help get rid of ingrown hairs, razor bumps,shaving scarring , hyperpigmentation & allowing balance to the ph.

How to use- On a clean yoni, Add some warm water on the skin, Use about a nickel size place in hand. Rub the Yoni Scrub on your mons pubis and your labia  and in a circular motion. Then rinse with warm water and towel blot dry.

Use once/twice a week and two days before a wax/ shave and two days after 

Kitty So Smoth

  • With this product being handmade & due to sanitation returns or refunds will not be acceptable 

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